One of the facts that I believe is, to make your blog readable - put an interesting tagline :-) By now I already have you interested in reading this (if you are a member of my opposite sex, though not essentially) or even if you are an animal of my male kingdom; you might just find this a worthy post to go through. Men !!! We are loved and hated for strange reasons. Reasons unknown to us. It makes me wonder, why would i be liked even if i grow a moustache?? Is'nt it a hygience factor that you look clean rather than choosing hair growth on your face. But some women admire men with facial hair. Fair enough !! Life is a matter of choices and I don't have a right to object on anyone's personal agenda. Coming back to the point - sometimes we men are hated even for the silliest reasons like we did'nt call up to inform where are we straying late night. Hello, do we have a life? Ofcourse, I am not targetting the whole women fraternity. Its the agony of men that I am potraying. ...