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Bliss of a Happy Relation

It all begins with a commitment. A commitment which makes you believe that no matter how tough the terrain would be; you would surpass all difficulties with a belief that what lies at the end would be an eternal bliss. One’s life is as complicated as one wants and can be as simple as one desire. The choice is in our hands. This statement certainly sounds familiar but in our day to day lives how well do we implement the same?

Relationships are crux of our lives and it’s something that not many have been able to escape. It makes you happy, makes you sad, causes pain, brings smile…..whatever it does; it certainly adds up to our lives. Herein, the choice isn’t with self but completely dependent on others. What they want to give us is in their hands – hence they are the decision makers. But what lies in our control is that do we wish to be at the takers end? Sometimes it’s uncontrollable but again it’s the mind or heart that gives up. Whether willingly or unwillingly we tend to surrender. Then why do we complain of the pain?? Don’t you see it coming?

Often we forget the joys of a happy relation. The small tiny bits of happiness fall more often then the large chunks of sorrow. The problem lies in the fact that we fail to accumulate those tiny bits which if collected, would inevitably be larger that the seldom chunks of sorrow in whole. As human beings; we always tend to weigh things. Herein, if one weighs happiness and sorrow; certainly the happy moments would win hands down.

It isn’t essential that we be judgmental about everything. We get more inclined towards the negatives than the positives. Life is fast paced and often we don’t get time to value the small joys. Don’t wait for the sky to fall and life getting darker. Live through every moment and realize what each relationship brings to you. There might be dark shades to it which can be eliminated only with an eye of optimism and self-belief that there would be brighter colors of joys and happiness too.


Anonymous said…
Yeah, its true......

"There's one sad truth in life I've found
While journeying east and west -
The only folks we really wound
Are those we love the best.
We flatter those we scarcely know,
We please the fleeting guest,
And deal full many a thoughtless blow
To those who love us best"
Atul Mongia said…
amrapali chose pretty apt words. And it is the same that I ponder at times. One's life does go through many a changes, both external and internal and so does one's partner's. If both are to go through new experiences and are bound to change in some ways (not everyone changes) then will they still be two compatible people who love each other? time shall tell, I guess.

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