Being Safe, Being Secure - That's what drives us. We don't like uncertainties, we resist change, we fear uncharted paths & beyond everything - we are apprehensive towards the unusual.
We have been conditioned to a pattern - a mold that defines our life journeys. It gives us peace and maintains our sanity. We have worked very hard to achieve this and we can't afford to lose it now. Whatever age and stage of life we are in - we never anticipated uncertainties to an extent that would shake the ground beneath our feet. But it's happening now and we can duck, we can hide or we can run - but sooner or later - we need to face the grim reality and get the bull by its horns.
We are strong, we are brave & we possess a warrior mindset. Putting up a fight is not an issue - we can do it fiercely. But what is not required is undue pressure. The pressure to perform, the pressure to succeed, the pressure to overcome all fears. We are facing one of the most unprecedented times in our lifetime and this would be the most talked-about chapter in the history of mankind.
And to wage a battle against this global pandemic - it's ok to be nervous. It's ok to lose some sleep. It's ok to panic. What's not ok is to lose hope, to lose faith and to give up. We have built our lives over the years and reached some sort of stability by putting in all that we had. Now, to be worried about the uncertainties around - its nothing but human to be in that frame of mind.
Accept the chaos, embrace the challenging times and live in the moment even if the ground below you is jittery. We will lose quite a bit in this war - but what we would gain will unclutter a lot which has accumulated that was unwarranted over our journeys. Take this phase of life as your filtering stage wherein what's going to be left off after sieving is pure unadulterated YOU. And thank the universe for putting us to this test - without which we would have never discovered the meaning of our lives.
Time to Refocus - Refresh - Restart !!!